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Other Organizations within the Honors College:

Below you will find more information about other organizations within the Honors College, as well as a way to contact them about getting involved. Many of the students on student council are involved in various other aspects of Honors life, and we encourage students to try new things and make new connections.

Hay Que Hablar

Hay Que Hablar is a Spanish speaking club within the Lewis Honors College and proudly Latino led. Our focus is to share the diversity of Latin American culture, music, and food through practicing and speaking Spanish in our meetings. We are open to all people interested in the Spanish language- both native and non native speakers. We aim to foster an open, comfortable environment where members can improve their conversational skills.


We have an active Instagram account, @HayQueHablarUK, where we post daily about the diversity of the Spanish language, highlight Latino influencers and historical figures, share flyers, upcoming events, etc. 


Want more information? Contact President/Founder Adrianna Navia at

Work in Progress Society

Work in Progress Society is a casual space for anyone who is interested in creative writing and wants a community to share it with! During our weekly meetings, we write with a new prompt and then share on a voluntary basis. Our prompts are inspired by music, other pieces of writing, or creative exercises. Members can also bring in their past work and discuss it with the group if they are interested. The meetings are not mandatory, but offered as an open space for anyone in the mood to practice their writing! If interested, you can contact Teja Sudhakar for more information, or attend one of our meetings on Fridays at 5 pm in the Lewis Honors College.


Want more information? Contact Teja Sudhakar at

Apollo Society

An honors pre-health organization for all pre-health students (medical, dental, nursing, PA, OT, PT, etc.). Students are provided with volunteering opportunities, resources for applications, and additional opportunities to help with their undergraduate pre-health journey.


Want more information? Contact student leadership at

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